Main Products

    Brand Value
    Advertising Studies
    Concept, product and packaging Test

Punctual information, give certainty to your decisions.


Our quantitative studies give certainty to your concepts and allow you to establish reliability levels for your decision making.

Brand Equity

Factum has an inhouse model to establish the "Equity" of a brand that has helped national and international companies to take strategic decisions.

Business to Business studies

We apply different types of techniques in order to know the business relationship between companies in terms of mutual knowledge, product and service satisfaction, communication or level of commercial relationship.

Consumer profile

Meet and get to know your consumer in a precise and profound way.

Advertising studies

We measure the advertising communication level and impact, as well as the message and brand awareness through it.

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New product evaluation

Your target market evaluates prototypes and new product features, and give the proper feedback, so that improvements and modifications be made to get maximum impact on the new product.

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Public opinion and political studies

A tool that increases its importance daily to adequately orient social policies; prevent problems or improve opportunities.

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Design, packaging, name & price evaluation

Evaluate the different alternatives, so that all these features be the most adequate to your target market.

Price Elasticity

We conduct pricing studies, since the easiest/monadic tests, through "Price sensitivity meter analysis" and up to "Discrete choice modeling" with Bayes hierarchical analysis.

Uses and habits studies (U&A)

We measure the levels of brand knowledge; uses; purchase; main habits and attitudes towards a brand or product that serve as a basis for further efforts.

Market share

Precisely identify your specific share vs. your main competitors in the market.

Market size

We identify in a precise way the total size and value of your market based in the total number of people or companies that purchase/use your products, and analyzing the frequencies, volumes and prices to determine the total value.

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+52 (55) 5286 6400
+52 (55) 5286 5118
Acapulco #47, Col. Roma Norte
C.P. 06700. México, D.F


Some of our prestigious clients

International Associations