Product Test®
Product - Concept - Package Tests

The precise specification of the possible impact of a product or service in the market, is a priority that is possible to understand and evaluate since the concept level.



For this reason, these studies determine which are the most important elements and/or advantages of our products or services, in the context of a everlasting competitive market.

Based on the client's needs they could include the evaluation of intrinsic product characteristics, concepts, names, designs, packaging and/or prices.

One of the main results would be to specify which market/segment offers the best success possibilities.

Factum Product test

They also offer a clear understanding of the needed adjustments or changes needed to better fulfill the market needs before launching or re-launching, increasing the possibility of success.

Our experience of more than 20 years with this kind of studies (particularly in the food industry) has allow us to develop benchmarks/parameters that ease the concrete evaluation of results and possible action standards, by knowing what had happened with other products.

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+52 (55) 5286 6400
+52 (55) 5286 5118

Acapulco #47, Col. Roma Norte
C.P. 06700. México, D.F


Some of our prestigious clients

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